Research on Biomedical Engineering
Research on Biomedical Engineering
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Sistema automático de análise comportamental em pombos

Automatic behavioral analysis system in pigeons

Siqueira, Luís Otávio; Ferrari, Elenice Aparecida de Moraes; Maia, Joaquim Miguel

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Este trabalho apresenta o projeto e os testes de um equipa mento para registro automatizado da amplitude e da latência da resposta de sobressalto acústico em pombos. O sistema desenvolvido é formado por uma câmara experimental, com uma célula de carga acoplada ao piso para ser utilizada como sensor de força, circuitos para geração de estímulos (luz, som ou choque) e circuitos de condicionamento e interfaceamento dos sinais a um microcomputador utilizado para controle, armazenamento e análise dos dados. O software para controle do sistema foi desenvolvido utilizando-se linguagem C para operar em plataformas DOS ou Windows, com rotinas de controle para o protocolo experimental (número, duração e taxa de repetição dos estímulos) e rotinas gráficas para apresentar as curvas de amplitude da resposta em relação ao tempo, armazenamento dos dados no disco e processamento. Os dados são armazenados em arquivos e podem ser analisa dos estatisticamente com outros aplicativos computacionais. Foram realizados testes comportamentais com pombos e ratos, expostos a 20 estímulos sonoros (1 kHz, 100 dBA, duração de 1 s e taxa de repetição de 30 s). Os animais do grupo controle permaneceram na caixa durante 30 minutos sem receber estímulos. A amplitude do sobressalto, medida em kgf, foi registrada durante 4 s e analisada em janelas temporais de 1 s imediatamente após o som. Os testes com ratos apresentaram resultados semelhantes aos da literatura e indicaram a eficiência do sistema. Comparativamente aos ratos, os pombos apresentaram menor amplitude e maior latência e indicaram diferenças comportamentais entre as duas espécies. O equipamento mostrou-se adequado para as investigações neurobiológicas e comportamentais que usam modelos animais.


Análise comportamental, pombos, ratos, registro automático, resposta de sobressalto acústico.


This work presents the design and testing of an apparatus for au tomatic recording of the magnitude and latency of acoustic startle response in pigeons. This system includes one experimental chamber with a load cell coupled to its floor (which is used as a force sensor to measure the amplitude of the response to the stimulus), stimuli generation circuits (light, sound or shock) and interfacing circuits (to a microcomputer that is used for control, storage and data analy sis). The software used to control the system was developed using C language and runs under DOS or Windows operational systems. There are routines to implement the experimental protocol (number, duration and repetition rate of stimuli) and graphics routines to show the amplitude of the startle response curves as a function of time. The data may be saved in the disk for further statistical analysis with other programs. Behavioral tests with exposure to 20 tone-pulses (1 kHz, 100 dBA, 1 s, every 30 s) were carried out with pigeons and rats. The control group animals remained in the chamber during 30 min without receiving any acoustic stimula tion. The magnitude of startle was recorded (in kgf) during 4 s and analyzed in temporal windows of 1 s. The tests with rats corroborate the literature and indicate the efficiency of the system. Compared to rats, the pigeons presented lower magnitude and longer latency of acoustic response, indicating behavioral differences between the two species. The equipment was considered adequate for neurobiologi cal and behavioral investigations which use automatic recording of acoustic stimuli responses.analysis with other programs. Behavioral tests with exposure to 20 tone-pulses (1 kHz, 100 dBA, 1 s, every 30 s) were carried out with pigeons and rats. The control group animals remained in the chamber during 30 min without receiving any acoustic stimula tion. The magnitude of startle was recorded (in kgf) during 4 s and analyzed in temporal windows of 1 s. The tests with rats corroborate the literature and indicate the efficiency of the system. Compared to rats, the pigeons presented lower magnitude and longer latency of acoustic response, indicating behavioral differences between the two species. The equipment was considered adequate for neurobiologi cal and behavioral investigations which use automatic recording of acoustic stimuli responses.


Acoustic startle response, Automatic recording, Behav ioral analysis, Pigeons, Rats.
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Res. Biomed. Eng.

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